Saturday, August 31, 2013

End of VBS-Friday Testimonial

I am done with VBS!!  YAHOO I survived two weeks of solid VBS-now to prepare for English School which will start Sept 9

Friday, our last day at VBS was AWESOME! (we had 14 kids today!) More than AWESOME-it was so Holy Spirit from the very beginning (when the kids were arriving) to the very end.  Everything fit together perfectly!! Josh's song fit in at all the right place--(called Joy-how He gives us a joyful heart).

I began our day by sharing stories of people and places that change, before and after stories.  And shared that when we have Christ, we also have a before and after story.  I went into short detail on that-like a "teaser".  Then I had one of my Ukrainian helpers share the Bible Story.  She shared about some of the disciples lives-what their lives were before and after, and even in their after though they had hard times, others were blessed and brought to know Christ through those hard times.  We then had Vlad, Nastya and Sophie, teenagers from our church who were baptized at the Kyiv conf this last May- share the videos of their testimonies. It was so cool, the kids were listening, sure some of the girls giggled re: Vlad (mostly because he was getting embarrassed by watching himself) but they listened. Then after the video testimonies we shared a little more about how Jesus transforms lives, and at the end we all stood up, held hands, and we prayed for them, giving them an opportunity through prayer to accept Christ.  Then right after that, still in the circle, we all stood and sang Josh's song on joy. It was a classic Holy Spirit day! There were times I wanted to cry!

Sure we did the memory verses, and guessed the amount of candy in the jar, had crafts, line dancing and they learned swing dancing as well.  But all week, they heard the gospel-all leading up to allowing them to ask Jesus into their hearts.  And throughout it all, they had fun as well.

One of my team members said that one of the mom's "liked" his page and commented on how her son talked about the fun time he was having during our camp. One young lady who came said she had accepted Jesus in her heart some years ago, but the things that I shared during the week made much more sense and personal.  Many asked if we were going to have VBS next year!  Some of the kids expressed interest in coming to youth group (we invited them to Youth Group, Koinonia (Saturday night coffee house-like a small Bible study), Church and English Class).

The whole time during VBS was just HOLY SPIRIT FANTASTIC!!!!   IT was cool to see them having so much fun at the end, where at the beginning they were all in their little "cliques", by today they were mingling and even the boys were swing dancing with the girls (yesterday we had to literally pair the boys with the girls-it's that age-Jr. High-girls and boys don't quite know what to do with each other).  And even in line dancing the boys (even the ones who couldn't quite "get it" were dancing and having a good time too!

Seven of the fourteen we had, came to our youth group and they said they will return next week! God is so good!

Despite all the warfare- (and it was intense for a solid two weeks) God prevailed (He always does) and VICTORY has been won!!Praise Him!

Pictures to come soon! 

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