Saturday, August 10, 2013

"See, I am doing a new thing..."

"See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

The Lord is doing many new things here at Calvary Chapel L’viv (New Horizons). One of those is our first ever English Language Vacation Bible School.  Our theme will be “Gold Rush-Discovering the Rock of Ages.” We will be studying the treasures of gold that the Lord gives us. The children will learn their memory verses in English, as well as songs and skits developed especially for this Vacation Bible School by our talented music/drama team at Calvary Chapel L’viv.  And just like any other Vacation Bible School, we will have games, crafts and Bible teachings.
Since my main ministry here at Calvary Chapel L’viv is English, I am involved in all aspects of this outreach.  Unfortunately, because I only arrived in Ukraine two months ago, and my first month was busy with training, and then with the details of securing the registration of my passport so that I can live in Ukraine without incurring a fine from the government, as well as having the ability to come and go freely within that year, I've only had one month to prepare for this outreach. But God is good. He has given me a solid faithful team that supports me, and is helping with many of the “behind the scenes” aspects.  This frees me up to concentrate on the main teachings where I will be sharing the gospel. 
As I begin to prepare for this outreach, I see the Lord stretching me and using my teaching skills in an Evangelism setting.  In all my years as a missionary, during Evangelism outreaches I have never been in the “spotlight” or the “main person” who shares the gospel message. I have been involved in sharing my testimony, as a group leader for VBS, even Sunday school teaching. Therefore with being the group administrator, planner and organizer of this outreach, I find myself in the spotlight, the one who will give the gospel presentation.  I am reminded, that it is not me standing there, but it is the Lord, and His voice will go forth to the children’s hearts, as long as I am obedient, faithful and willing to be used, to be stretched by Him.  What an amazing opportunity He has given me, to share about Him to the children, and I pray that the words of my mouth will not be mine, but His.
Please join with me in prayer for our English Language Vacation Bible School.  For the children; that the Lord even now will be preparing their hearts; for all those who are busy working behind the scenes, that they will work as unto the Lord; for all the group leaders and those who will be in charge of crafts, sports, Bible story, dramas, music and audio/visual, that their hearts will be soft before the Lord, that nothing will be done out of their own strength.  Finally please pray for me, that I will be obedient to what the Lord wants me to say, that I will not fear but trust in Him.
I look forward to sharing with you as to how the Lord worked during this time.

Remember, August 19-2 3 English Language VBS L’viv for children ages 7-12, and August 26-30 English Language VBS L’viv for children ages 13-17.  Thank you all for your prayers! 

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